Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.
Project Title Sort by plans | Template Sort by templates | Organisation | Owner | Download |
The role of time to positive blood cultures in enhancing the predictive capability of DENOVA score for diagnosing infective endocarditis in patients with Enterococcus faecalis bacteremia | DMPOnline Template (NWU) | Other | María Teresa Pérez Rodríguez | (new window) Opens in new window |
Plataforma metabolomica basada en GC-MS | DMPOnline Template (NWU) | Other | Raúl González-Domínguez | (new window) Opens in new window |
CTD and ADCP data | DMPOnline Template (NWU) | Other | First Name Surname | (new window) Opens in new window |
El fomento del hábito de la lectura en universidades mexicanas: estudio de caso de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL). Nuevo León México | DMPOnline Template (NWU) | Other | Jose Antonio Torres Reyes | (new window) Opens in new window |
Hasya Katta Official | DMPOnline Template (NWU) | Other | Smit Shetye | (new window) Opens in new window |
Dynamiska samband mellan kardiovaskulära, sociala och beteendemässiga riskfaktorer och kognitivt åldrande | DHP-UmU-fragebaserad (Sve) | Umeå University | Maria Josefsson | (new window) Opens in new window |
Validating a new mental imagery scale: The Mental Simulations Questionnaire (MSQ) | DCC Template | Edge Hill University | Reshanne Reeder | (new window) Opens in new window |
Investigating the relationship between nutritional knowledge and athletic performance in recreational runners | DCC Template | St Mary's University, Twickenham | Jonathan Hilling | (new window) Opens in new window |
Employee Perception of Economic Outlook in Myanmar’s International Business Environment: An Assessment of Optimism and Pessimism | DCC Template | University of Plymouth | Hary Bahadu | (new window) Opens in new window |
Estudio multicéntrico sobre el impacto de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 en los cuidados y estado de salud de las personas de 75 años o más y sus cuidadores (Proyecto CUIDAMOS+75) | DCC Template | Other | Candela Cameselle-Lago | (new window) Opens in new window |